Your Craziest Self

In April I sent you a note all about new Healthcare clinics that are popping up across the nation.  Health clinics that look at the Whole You; and how Blue Cross Blue Shield has now added doTERRA essential oils to their mix of Holistic Offerings. Amazing. Healthcare is truly shifting. 
But what about you?
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi
Did you know that the only constant is change? They say that the two biggest strengths or skills leaders must have today are the ability to plan and the ability to adapt.  I've also heard leaders say that if you don't constantly contradict yourself, then you're not actively learning!  It seems every generation utters the cliche', "It ain't what it used to be," or "Kids today are so distracted!".  
It's true: It ain't...and...they are. 
The way we exist in the world is shifting at a moment-to-moment pace. I can't believe the newest things I learn from my college-aged yoga students or my friends' older kids!  Everything from the newest social media platform to the newest must-have blue-tooth device to the newest service being offered.  They literally teach me something new every day. And I better pay attention.  To stay up on trends is to stay connected.  And for me that has nothing to do with clothes and accessory trends (unless that's your thing - then you best pay attention!) because it's not where I serve my friends and customers.  For me I better pay attention to what's convenient for people. I better pay attention to what matters to people. I better pay attention to the newest natural healthcare. I better pay attention to the newest body alignment and yoga postures and healing plants that have been sourced for essential oils and for ailments people have and ask how I can help.
Because what matters to the people I serve is how I will learn best to serve them. 
It's not easy getting up every day, trying to be at least 1% better than I was yesterday. That means I have to be intentional about my day. It means I have to plan. It means I have to be flexible enough to change. It means I have to change my thoughts; change my beliefs; change my language; change my actions: and to do all of that means I'll have to change my perspective.  Well how do we do that?

The other day in yoga class I taught handstands. 
They didn't know what was coming. 
I prepped them the whole time on stretching the legs, finding strength in balance poses, giving them confidence boosters along the way, opening their hearts to train the shoulder and upper back muscles to come together, lifting their abdominal muscles, then taught them about 5 modifications they could do if this was new for them before they attempted handstand.  About 5 out of 20 did it all the way. The others went to their max. But here's what they all had in common: They shifted their perspective. They went from "I won't be able to do that," as I was demonstrating to "Hmmm...I didn't realize I could do that - maybe next time I'll actually balance on my hands!"

It pays to flip around to a new perspective every now and then. 

Another way we can accomplish this is to read something new or listen to / watch something new every single day (See Leaders are Readers, below), preferably from someone you admire, a leader, or something or someone in a field you'd like to learn.  
Because here's the thing. If you're totally cool, fine, happy, hunky dory with every single part of your life right now, awesome. Don't change a thing. But if there's something stirring in your soul that you "wish you had changed" but you think you're too old, young, skinny, fat, ill, been in a career too long, been out of shape for too long...just DO IT. Just take one step.  Life is work. Work is hard. But for me it was always less satisfying being on the side of life where I didn't try every day. Where I didn't try to be my best. Where I didn't exert myself intellectually, physically and spiritually every single day.  

What will you try new this month?
What part of you do you want to "uplevel" this month?
Write it down. Write it down again and again until you "cross if off your list."
We need more people who are willing to live their craziest self. Their best self. 
“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” 
― Apple Campaign. 

Om namah


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April Showers and Healthcare Powers!