Retrain Your Ears
How do you wake up in the morning? What's the first thing you tell yourself? What's the first thing you feel? What's the first thought that pops into your head?
Is it: "I can't wait to start this day!"
Or: "Just 5 more minutes!" as you snooze your alarm on your phone.
What about: "Ugh - work. Why me?!?!?!"
Today's newsletter / blog post is not just about yoga and essential oils (although there's always that). I'll be opening the curtain even more into my daily journey on self-care, self-development, health, wellness, music and single-mama-hood so that maybe you can experience some of the life-changing work I've been privileged enough to experience over my lifetime.
So back to you: what do you feel in the morning? Is it a light-heartedness? Is it overwhelm? Stress? Anxiety? Joy? Abundance?
Here's a little trick I've learned from all the mentors, teachers and successful leaders I get to hang out with and hear from on the daily:
What you do physically, what you focus on, and what you say and believe - you will become.
For example:
If your first thought is, "Today's gonna suck."
Guess what?
Your day will probably suck.
If you wake up though and say, "Thank you for the great night's sleep - I invite abundance, success and love into my life today." Guess what? Energy attracts energy. People will see your smile and the smiley people will be attracted to you. You'll find abundance and abundance (however you define that) will find you.
Movement. When we allow our bodies to move every day, when we smile, when we intentionally start to deepen our breath or when we practice Power Poses, it starts to change our entire state of being. Below you'll see the silly (and yet so serious!) video I recorded of my daily routine that you can do along with me every single day. It also incorporates practices for Focus and Language. After this, I do a combo of HIIT and yoga. Some days I work out at the gym. Some days I go on hikes.
Focus. What is it that you focus on every day? What is the vision in your head?
I have a vision board next to my bed. It has a picture of my son and I. A picture of a waterfall. A beach. A yogi posing on a cliff next to the water. Phrases like, "Play by Your Own Rules," "True Believer," and "The beauty of Confidence." When you close your eyes, what do you think of? When we bombard our brain with visuals and then practice the art of visualization, our mind starts to get programmed to want and take steps toward achieving those things. When I meditate, I use essential oils and have started using Tapping, both which anchor that blissed-out feeling into my being, allowing it to become my default.
What language do you use? The stuff most people believe was programmed into our psyche at a very young age. The phrases our parents' used. The words from bullies on the playground or on the bus. Something our teachers said to us that we internalized. "Money doesn't grow on trees." "You're so ugly." "If you don't stop talking, you'll never amount to anything!" We've lived with these phrases our whole lives and when, as an adult, we're in a situation where someone says No to us, or someone doesn't get us have something or someone says something we don't like, it can trigger emotions in us that were put there when we were 3, 7, 12 years old. Retraining our ears, then, for those people who hear anything else in their heads except, "YOU'RE F%($%$G AWESOME!" is a must. Below I have a section about the importance of listening to inspirational content and what my most recent ones are.
The first step is awareness (isn't it always?!). The money phrase could instead be turned into, "Money is a spiritual energy that everyone needs to survive and of which I have an abundance so I am more able to serve others." The ugly phrase could turn into, "I am beautiful inside and out, and I see the beauty in all things and all people." BOOM. The talking phrase could be turned into, "My gift of communication is a strength and I use it to bring people together and solve problems." Put these on sticky notes. (Who doesn't love sticky notes?!) Say them out loud when you walk past.
Stop the madness in your head. You have the choice to be in any state that you choose.
Change your physical state.
Change your Focus.
Change your Language.
Change your Life.
Om namah